Indeed, there is a long list of fascinating terms for groups of animals. I mention below a selection of the more interesting ones. Here is an enlightening discussion on the origin of the word murder and whether terms such as the following were ever in regular use or just someone's idea of a joke. And another over here.
A venue of vultures Photo: Sentrawoods |
A murder of crows Photo: Loz Flowers |
- A shrewdness of apes
- A murder / parliament of crows
- A piteousness of doves
- A business of ferrets / flies
- A leap of leopards
- A parliament of owls
- A pandemonium of parrots
- An ostentation of peacocks
- An unkindness of ravens
- A descent of woodpeckers
- A cackle of hyenas
- A crash of rhinos
- A prickle of porcupines
- A cowardice of curs
- A convocation of eagles
- A sounder of pigs
- A venue of vultures
- A kettle of vultures (when circling in the air)
- An ambush of tigers
- A sleuth of bears
- A coalition of cheetahs
- A mischief of mice
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